Local Boards & Associations
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Contact information for IR local board and associations can be found below.
Coeur d’Alene Regional REALTORS®(Mid-Sized Board)
Latah County BOR (Small Board)
Lewis Clark BOR (Small Board)
Selkirk AOR (Small Board)
Boise Regional REALTORS® (Large Board)
Caldwell BOR (Small Board)
Four Rivers BOR (Small Board)
Mountain Central AOR (Small Board)
Nampa AOR (Mid-Sized Board)
Mini Cassia AOR (Small Board)
Sun Valley BOR (Small Board)
Western Magic Valley REALTORS® (Mid-Sized Board)
Greater Blackfoot AOR (Small Board)
Greater Idaho Falls AOR (Mid-Sized Board)
Greater Pocatello AOR (Small Board)
Upper Valley AOR (Small Board)
Boise Regional REALTORS®
Lisa Martin, Association Executive
Website: www.boirealtors.com
Caldwell Board of REALTORS®
Kimberley Sommer, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: www.caldwellboardofrealtors.com
Coeur D’Alene Regional REALTORS®
Jennifer Richards, Association Executive
(Mid-Sized Board)
Website: www.cdarealtors.com
Four Rivers Association of REALTORS®
Lisa Martin, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: www.fraor.org
Greater Blackfoot Association of REALTORS®
Wendy Pelayo, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: www.greaterblackfootrealtors.com
Greater Idaho Falls Association of REALTORS®
Ryan Stowers, Association Executive
(Mid-Sized Board)
Website: www.gifar.org
Greater Pocatello Association of REALTORS®
Tiffany Hendricks, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: http://www.pocatelloarearealestate.com
Latah County Board of REALTORS®
Jill Stone, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: latahcountyrealtors.com
Lewis Clark Association of REALTORS®
Travis Meeks, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: www.lcarealtors.com
Mini Cassia Association of REALTORS®
Hannah Robins, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: www.minicassiarealtors.com
Mountain Central Association of REALTORS®
Ambre Little, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: http://mountaincentralrealtors.org
Nampa Association of REALTORS®
Chris Mooney, Association Executive
(Mid-Sized Board)
Website: www.nampaboard.com
Selkirk Association of REALTORS®
Stephanie Rief, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: www.selkirkaor.com
Sun Valley Board of REALTORS®
Francisco Herrera, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: https://sunvalleyrealtors.org
Upper Valley Association of REALTORS®
Jill Stone, Association Executive
(Small Board)
Website: http://www.uvar.org/
Western Magic Valley REALTORS®
Alana Caward, Association Executive
(Mid-Sized Board)
Website: http://wmvrealtors.com